Better flood protection in Santa Rosa County 
starts with action   

Make your voice heard and demand better flood protection for Santa Rosa County

20,900 properties in Santa Rosa County have more than a 25% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage. That’s more than 27% percent of all the homes in the county!

Hurricane Sally generated 1700 flooding complaints with 839 flooded homes on the “Citizens Damage Report”. These reported numbers are much higher, since many citizens have lost hope and did not bother to report flooding. 


damage to an average American home by just 1 foot of floodwater

6-9 Months

Typical time before a homeowner can return to their home after flooding


Increase in the share of the population in bankruptcy four years after a disaster like flooding

We need your photos of flooding

To help Plan, Protect, Invest, and Maintain we need to document floods in your neighborhoods and communities. Share your photos or videos of flooding with


The county’s flood maps are inaccurate and out of date. While Santa Rosa recommends specific flood protection initiatives in its Flood Mitigation Plan, it doesn’t publish timelines, funding strategies, or other details on how it will get the work done.


Santa Rosa does a good job of reaching out to residents and developers to help them understand flood hazards. But the County’s Land Development Code undermines its efforts. 

The county allows small developments to be built without the infrastructure required for bigger neighborhoods, leaving residents at risk. Requirements for large subdivisions aren’t much better – developers can promise to build safely, but the county has few ways to enforce the rules


The County has not adequately funded solutions for the 2,197 “Stormwater Problem Areas” identified by Santa Rosa County staff.


Santa Rosa’s maintenance teams for stormwater infrastructure are under-resourced – the county does not have sufficient staff to keep the infrastructure working properly.

Santa Rosa County needs to invest in flood protection, increase spending on maintenance and repair of stormwater infrastructure, and change the Land Development Code to protect Santa Rosa property owners.  Being pro-development only works when you’re flood-ready. 

Chris Curb,
Former Escambia County Stormwater Manager

We equip citizens with the tools and know-
how to make a change in Santa Rosa County

Local expertise and information about solutions to your flood problem

Best-in-class digital tools that make amplifying your voice easy

Organizing members for council meetings, town halls, webinars, etc.

Measure progress on flood funding and policy and hold elected officials accountable

With your message, elected officials will know they’re held accountable

Governor Ron DeSantis signing the “Always Ready” flood bill into law – click here to go deeper.

More Investment

Money will be put towards flood protection plans in Santa Rosa County

Better Policy          

New developments will be planned and built to protect your community

Smart Solutions

Campaigns will drive specific solutions in your neighborhood

Join the Flood Defenders of Santa Rosa in taking action towards better flood protection