Florida Counties Try to Lessen Flood Intensity With Street Alterations

Escambia County knows exactly how flooding can devastate a community. Still reeling from Hurricane Sally, the county faces many problems as they begin to recover, despite some of their past efforts to lessen the impact of flooding.

Flood mitigation requires a lot of solutions. Eliminating curbs and building swales are just a few popular infrastructure solutions across Florida counties, including Escambia.

While not enough on their own to take on a storm like Sally, these solutions have proven effective in spreading out, soaking up and slowing down floodwater. 

Counties across Florida need to find any advantage they can in the fight against flooding. When heavy rain turns your roads into rivers, it makes sense to look at the pavement itself for an edge in flood mitigation.

Improvements like eliminating curbs and using more absorbent pavement are a step in the right direction for counties like Pinellas, Palm Beach and Escambia.

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